Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Carnival of the Liberals

A Carnival is basically a celebration centered around a parade, traditionally associated with the arrival of Lent. The blogospheric version is the Blog Carnival, basically a parade of blog posts on a particular topic and/or theme. From the left blogosphere comes the Carnival of the Liberals, a bi-weekly parade of ten liberal blog posts, each time hosted at a different liberal blog.

The upcoming Carnival of the Liberals, for Wednesday, March 25, is being hosted by Blue Gal. I've submitted my recent Take me to your leader post for consideration, so we'll see whether it makes the cut.

If you've got a recent liberal blog post you're particularly pleased with, go ahead and submit it (submission guidelines are here), and maybe you can find yourself on parade at the Carnival of the Liberals, throwing beads and trinkets to the onlookers.

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