Eventually, though, mechanical twelve-hour clocks came into fashion, and it became customary to set the twelve o'clock hour at high noon, with the twelve hours before noon known as ante meridian and the twelve hours after noon as post meridian. This had the effect of moving the beginning and end of the day from sunset to midnight, so that was when December 25 was held to begin. However, people still referred to the period after sunset on what was now December 24th as Christmas Evening, and over time the term "Christmas Eve" came to refer to the day before Christmas, rather than the first half of Christmas.
Here on the east coast of North America, the sun has set, so it's now Christmas Eve by both the medieval and modern reckonings. That being the case, we here at the Johnny Pez blog now feel justified in wishing our hypothetical readers a merry Christmas.

Getting medieval on Christmas?
Have a cool Yule!
Merry Christmas from Australia, Johnny, where the sun has already set on our Christmas Day.
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