I have since spent the intervening days in intensive investigation of this claim, and what I have to report will rock you to the very core of your being: C. C. Fuss was telling the truth! Warren Farrell is actually Jill at Feministe; the Anti-Feminist is actually Lindsay Beyerstein of Focal Point; and W. F. Price, Lord of the Spearhead, is none other than Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon. And it turns out that Roy Den Hollander, the Manhattan attorney who has made a career out of suing bars with Ladies Night drink specials, isn't even a human being; "he" is actually the animatronic Woodrow Wilson from Disney World's Hall of Presidents, reprogrammed by a secret cabal of feminist cyberneticists.What you new MRA recruits failed to realise is that we fymynymymynysts have also
taken over the men’s rights movement. You must now accept my orders!
If you think about it, this makes all kinds of sense. The central focus of the Man Boobz blog itself is pointing out the incredibly vicious, rampant* misogyny that infests the Men's Rights Movement like a repulsive infestation thingie. As the, um, spearhead of online anti-feminism, the MRM is the face of Male Resistance on the internet. Naturally, then, feminists are going to try to discredit their opponents by making them out to be a gang of psychopaths spewing out spittle-flecked rants in support of wife abusers and rapists.
So, to any Men's Rights Activist out there who happens to read this post, beware! You only think you're fighting the good fight! You're actually puppets dancing on the
But it's not too late!
*Veiled penis reference.